Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011

And then we went home.
Friday, November 25, 2011

On 2012 when the earth going to end I went to Mars and saw alien. I did not no what to do but peeing my pants but the alien did not kill me so we just had a talk. After the that we just play games and it was hide in go seek but I just went in my ship and I went and few away.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Camp 2

Camp 1

We unload the bus and put them on the boat and went to Kawa island. It took like 1 Horus to get there but I didn't care so me and my friend Jesiah play some games on the boat. After that we got their and the water was so cold that my friend went to go and swim but I didn’t? to be Continue go down to part 2 bye
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Film festival
On Wednesday my class and I went to the hall. First we had to go on the bus and we went there when we got there we went to go and walk to the movie but it was not far to walk there and the little kids came with us. After the that we have to hold the kids hand we went and in size the movie and sat down and waited I was watching the add of the paranormal activity 3. It was so scary that I was going to run away but I didn't so I face the other way and waited for the movie to start.
Finally the movie begin and the first movie was billy t that won was my best one. It show him being funny and singing all kind of staff bye.
Finally the movie begin and the first movie was billy t that won was my best one. It show him being funny and singing all kind of staff bye.
Friday, October 28, 2011

In the holiday I went to the movie with my family. The movie we watch was the spy kids in 4D we by pop corn and a drink and waited for the movie to begin. 5 minute later it started it was talking about the time keeper and try to get the ring so the step Mum help the spy to catch him. The girl always get in trouble and the boy and they always play games and then it came to the last part and the hole family come and save the day that all for to day spy kids.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
immersions Assembly
On Tuesday the 25 of October we had immersions Assembly. My class and I we went to go and set down in the hall my teacher dress up as a planets.Then Mr Burt came he was talking about our topic which was outta this World and telling a story part of our topic it was about Maui. He was the one who could New Zealand that why he told us and then term 5 movie started and it was star wars.
It show them fighting. The movie was funny the face was cut of and it was like kind of real bye.
It show them fighting. The movie was funny the face was cut of and it was like kind of real bye.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Hi this is my picture that I draw. I draw Dan carter, Richie Mccaw, Johna- lomu and Billy salter Just for my post about the rugby but my favourite player is Johna lomu. Hes one of the best player because he run up and tackle them that why he my favourite player. Who do you racket who the best player My one is Johna lomu your one could be Dan carter or any of the all blacks.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Once upon a time there was a boy called Kane he use to live in New Zealand but then he move to Canada. He went to this school called point England his class was room 16 he Met this boy call studamyer but his short name is studz but I just call him studz. After school we went to studz house we play some x box 360 and then we play at the back of his house we play some rugby and then I fell down and I got bitten buy a bug. I felt like I was going to died so I past out and my friend took me home and I woke up and felt bettor then I went to school.
So I went to class and I was doing my work and I felt asleep. And then my friend woke me up an I felt like had a cold but I didn't I told my teacher can I have a drink of water and my teacher said yes. So I got up and had a drink of water and then I came back and then I did the biggest sneeze and then my friend was shook?
Aussie Rules

On Thursday after morning tea time we went to the breeze. While waited in the breeze it was cold and boring so I just did some exercises to warm up. After that My cool teacher came his name was Mr S he took us to Aussie Rules first we play octopus games but we play it different we just got the ball and hit them but we did hand past and drop punt. So I pick to not be in because I don't like to chase them I just like to run away from them so I was running and My friend Lorenzo got me out and then I got some of my friends out when we did that this man told us how to play Aussie Rules.
He told us how to play Aussie Rules. First he told us drop punt, hand past and how to kick and even he told us where to kick so I try to do it but I did it wrong. Every ten steps we have to pounce it and then we had a game it was like a touch game if you touch them and you to past it before your out. So I past it to my friend and then he past it back and if you kick it in you get a point so I kick it in the post and my team won the end.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Rugby World Cup Opening
Last week on Friday I went to the camp down the line on the bus. I went down the line and it took me like 5 hours to get there when I got there I watched the replay of the rugby opening ceremony. It showed the little boy playing rugby with the All Blacks. They were battling and then they got tackled. And finally the boy walked down the middle of this path with the names of all the famous names from the past Rugby World Cups. Then the boy saw Jonah Lomu.
The boy and Jonah Lomu saw the big trophies and then it showed a lady singing. There were lots of Samoan people dancing and clapping and then after that the boy put the ball on the ground and then the ball got bigger and bigger and then the boy started flying. But I think that was not real. Then the fire works started and there were lots of big fire works. I was so happy that I was going to die. And then I got tired and I fell asleep. When I woke up my favourite part was the fire works.
Friday, September 9, 2011
New Zealand Info
New Zealand, about 1,250 southeast of Australia, consists of two main islands and a number of smaller outlying islands so scattered that they range from the tropical to the antarctic. The country is the size of Colorado. New Zealand's two main components are the North Island and the South Island, separated by Cook Strait. The North Island long and volcanic in its south-central part.
This area contains many hot springs and beautiful geysers. South Island has the Southern Alps along its west coast, with Mount Cook the highest point. Other inhabited islands include Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands, and Great Barrier Island. The largest of the uninhabited outlying islands are the Auckland Islands Campbell Island the Antipodes Islands and the Kermadec Islands.
This area contains many hot springs and beautiful geysers. South Island has the Southern Alps along its west coast, with Mount Cook the highest point. Other inhabited islands include Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands, and Great Barrier Island. The largest of the uninhabited outlying islands are the Auckland Islands Campbell Island the Antipodes Islands and the Kermadec Islands.
Rugby Games
On Thursday I had a game at Hamlin park, the Titans Vs Sylvia Park. The game started at 10:30. We were just having a little game against our trainer and then Sylvia park came and then we had a game. We kicked off first and I ran and got the ball and ran as fast as I could so I got a try. They were too easy. We were winning by 5 tries. When we got another try we were so happy that we were winning, it was just going easy so easy. And then it was half time. We were doing lots of moves and we came back on. When we came back on they started playing harder. I got the ball and passed it to Jesiah and he bumped this boy off and then he got a try. We won! We got 20 tries! Cilck on Hamlin park and then it will show the movie.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Life Education Caravan
On Wednesday I went to the Life Education Caravan. When we went inside we took our shoes off and went inside. Our first activity was to solve the questions that Harold had for his homework. When then spent some time learning about the body parts and how our body works. We learned about the brain, heart, the blood and veins.
Monday, August 29, 2011
TV One News
On Tuesday we were on the news! The news started at 6 o'clock. I was so happy that we were on the news, that was my first time being on the news. I went over to my friend's house and watched the news because I was sleeping over. The TV one news started and it was talking about how we use netbooks in class to help us learn.
Friday, August 5, 2011
My Holiday

In the holidays I went to the pool on Saturday and had a swim with my brother and my friends. We were playing games in the pool. We were playing bull rush and throws. I stopped and took a break and had some thing to eat. I got ready and changed into my clothes. I went home and I waited for the hangi. My cousin came over for the food to help us eat it all up! I was playing for 5 minutes and then I ate. And then I got full and then I went to sleep.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
My netbook

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Jazzy bugs band

Monday, July 11, 2011
My Goldberg Invention
Rube Goldberg is a famous inventor. He is famous for his many fun tracks he made for things like marbles and balls.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In the Morning I got ready and went to school. We went to the hall to put the kids in to their groups when we did that we got ready and got onto the bus. When we got there my first activity we did was the tactile dome it was pitch black and scary. But I was brave just a little bit we went inside and we had to pick our group and we went in the dark whole if you close your eyes that was how dark it was.
So we went inside and some of my friends were scared. We tried to find our way out but I found the way out and I went up and my friend Lorenzo follow me up. I didn’t see where I was going but I found lots of ways out when Kingston came and we found a slide and Kingston and I made it out of the tactile dome.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My surprise story.

When I was calling for help these two boys came and tried to kill it but the Tarantula was trying to eat me. Then the Tarantula went away to chase after the boys and ran inside to call for help. 10 minutes later a zoo keeper came and captured and took the Tarantula to the zoo.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
partly cloudy

partly cloudy movie review
This movie we watch was partly cloudy and it was a cool movie their was a stork and a cloud. And the charaters is cloudy and the stork. One day their was a stork that dliver babes, cat and dogs and there was a happy cloud that makes dangerous babes and the stork had a hard time. Frist he made a crockidile that bit the stork head and then the cloud did another one and it was a goat it run in to him lots of time and he dliver it.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Marma duke

In the weekend we watch Marma duke it was my Dad, brother and my mum and I. It was this movie about this man and this dog. Long long time ago on Sunday the 2nd of may in 1999 their was a Man who had a big dog that he was famous. He went to this pool and he had a swim with these another dog one was boy and girl Marma duke really like this big dog.
And then Marma duke had a party and a dog came and was going to fight Marma duke but then he told all of the dog and they went some were and then his Dad came and saw his house a miss and his Dad told him to sleep out side. Marma duke went for a walk at night time he went by the big hole in the morning this girl dog was looking for Marma duke and the Dad too. His Dad was running and the girl dog was running to Marma duke fell in the hole and the girl to the Dad was trying to save them and then he jump in and he save them and then he pull him out the end.
Monday, May 16, 2011
All about me and my friend Jesiah.

One day when we were playing cops and robbers, some of my friends got tagged by Roman and Billy who are both really fast runners! I helped my own team out when I can. Jesiah and I hide in good spots where they never find us. When they finally found us we sprinting as fast as we could. They were chasing us, getting closer closer but we boosted it until we had lost them. We were hiding by the Breeze when suddenly the bell rang and we had to run before they saw us. We got away! We were safe and we had won!
My tower.

Last Friday the first week of term 2 we had a paper tower building competition. The team that makes the highest tower wins. Dillon, Jesiah and I built a tower that was so tall that it couldn't stand up. When we tried to make it stand it would always fall down. We even tried to fix it by bending it and using more glue but this did not work. We had 10 more minutes. Mr S came and helped us a little bit and it still did not stand up! We try cutting out a square of paper to stick the tripod legs to.
It was standing up for 20secs before the wind blew it over. We had 5 minutes to go! Carlos didn’t know what to do to make his tower bigger, better and Stronger. Carlos came up with the idea to join our teams together andjoin his tower with ours. This plan worked, it luckily only fell down once time was up. The tallest tower was Andrea's and she won.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Basic Facts
This is my results from this week.
Monday, May 2, 2011
My Holiday - Youth Pride
In the holiday on Friday I went to Youth Pride and we had a shared lunch. I bring 3 chips and 3 Biscuits and I was playing Master and basketball too. When we did that we sat down and went in our team. I was in team 3 with my friends. We did some games and running too. After that we got ready to eat the food. I was so hungry and there was lots of food and biscuits.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Usher Story

When he did that he went to ask Justin Beber if he wanted to come to watch Usher sing and he said yes and Usher's song was called omg. After that they took a beak by the step and started eating their food. It was a pie and some cookies. Usher went home and Justin Bieber went home too and they were tired because they were singing lots of songs. They sang one more song and it was called one time. When they finished they went back home and went to sleep. (Click on the song and it will show you the song)
My Dinosaur
Long long time ago there was a dinosaur called Freddy Cougar who was strong and he liked to hunt for food. He likes to hunt food for his family and he hunts food with his brother too. Freddy Cougar’s favourite game to play is chase Pterodactyl and kill them. He lives with his family in the jungle and he has a house. He is tall as a towering building.
My dinosaur Freddy Cougar look furious and scary. My dinosaur likes to eat meat and is a t-rex. He is scary and has dangerous teeth and claws. My dinosaur likes to fight and kill. Pecasis is dangerous.
Freddy Cougar and his brother Aldrago went on adventure to kill Pecasis because he was trying to kill my Dad. We went in the jungle to found him and then he was try to get away. When we got him we started eating him. Then we went back home.
My dinosaur Freddy Cougar look furious and scary. My dinosaur likes to eat meat and is a t-rex. He is scary and has dangerous teeth and claws. My dinosaur likes to fight and kill. Pecasis is dangerous.
Freddy Cougar and his brother Aldrago went on adventure to kill Pecasis because he was trying to kill my Dad. We went in the jungle to found him and then he was try to get away. When we got him we started eating him. Then we went back home.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Christchurch Earthquake

Even more and more people were sad when some people pass away. Yesterday in the afternoon between 9 min to 1 pm the 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch city. There are many buildings that have been damaged in Christchurch. There are 75 people dead so far when the buildings got damaged.
There are some people who are weak and some of them sleep in the park. There are many after shocks around the centre of the city. There are search and rescue teams around the centre to help people to get out of the buildings. When I was watching tv on the news I felt sad because the quake started and the people got frightening.
I hope that the people of Christchurch are safe!


When we did that we went to skate-land skate was my best one. I got my skate shoes and started skate. When I went to skate I was coming 1st and some time I was coming last too. We play racing games and we had a race and I came 3rd as my race on cross country. After the that we had a little play and we play Limbo too.
When we play limbo I was wining and when it was almost finish I lost. When lost I went to go and skate with my friend and my teacher I was riding as fast as lightning. I was beating my teacher. Me and him was having a race and I won. After the that we went to have lunch and we went back to school the end.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Most Embarrassing Story

I had a dream about that I was rich and my brother was Micheal Jackson and Ritchie Valens. I was a singing like my brother I look like Ritchie Valens and Micheal Jackson too. We went to sing and dace around when we that we play some games and the games was cool who was the best at singing. I was winning and then I lost it was Micheal Jackson and Ritchie Valens they was singing and then Micheal Jackson won and Ritchie Valens lost. We live in new York Micheal Jackson was the 1st best and Ritchie Valens was the 2nd and I was the 3rd one.
When we did that we sing song. When we got battle at singing we started recording the best song. Micheal Jackson came up with this song about thriller and Ritchie Valens came up with this oh Donna and I came up with this song la Bamba. We was so happy that we made a song I was happy then my brother came and woke me up and I thought it was real. Click on thriller, la Bamba and oh Donna and then it would show the song.
Monday, March 14, 2011

I felt sad because the earthquake and tsun

Friday, March 4, 2011
John Cena
On the ring 6 man play money in the bank. There name were called john cena, rey mysterio, Kane, triple h, randy orton and big show. When the ring started all of them started fighting and geting the letter and grabing the money. John cena was smashing rey mysterio and doing the
5 knuckle shuffle and rey mysterio was blooding.
It came down to the final and Kane got the letter and climb up and was holding the money.
John cena was smashing all of them Kane was winner and John cena was still fighting. But there were just one more to go. John cena them all and he Climb up the letter and john cena got Kane down and john cena got the letter and set up the letter and Climb up and grab the money and he got the money and the money fell and he won and Kane got anger.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
If I was a superhero I would be Broly. I grow up as a Super Saiyan fighting Goku. I turn evil and fighting the superhero. The people things that I’m evil. Broly team up with Goku and Frieza my enemies is Goku because goku and Frieza team up to try to kill me. But Broly kill Frieza and Broly got anger and started to do his powers Kame! Hame! HA! and Goku died with Frieza the end.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Bruce lee
In the Weekend me and my Dad was watching a Movie called Bruce lee. He is strong, and he fight fast. He fight the bad people and Help the good people Because they are try to kill Bruce- lee. Bruce lee this Chinese Boxing and kick boxing too him and his Dad was fighting all of the bad people.
At the end they were so anger that they were wining and losing. Some of the bad people were wining and bruce lee got anger and his Dad and started fighting. There were four more to go and bruce lee kill two and his Dad kill one. there was just one more man and his name was called jet lee bruce lee Dad want it a fight with jet lee.
Bruce lee Dad was wast it and jet lee kick him in the face and he fall down and he died. Bruce lee got anger and kick Jet lee and he fall down and bruce lee was kicking him he had blood all over him and he died the end.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
My Reflection Stroy

This year I enjoyed writing songs because we do lots of singing in the class room. We sing Michal Jackson song in the Class Room and Diffent songs too. We be noisy in the Class Room When we sing loud in the Class room. I enjoyed learning about Volcanoes the Most Because I like the eruption, earthquake and the movie. My favourite things was Cross Country Because we have to ran around the whole fled and I like to come 1st, 2nd or 3rd too.
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