Friday, April 27, 2012

One tree hill

On Monday I went to one tree hill with my brother and cousin. I got my skateboard and went down the hill it was pretty hard the only trick that I did was an ollies. When I went down the hill my cousin Dallas fell of the tree and he broke his leg and I came and got my uncle Preston and he rang the ambulance.

My Dad and I went down to get the ambulance to get Dallas at the hospital as fast as we could. His leg was in pain and he was going in to a shock my Dad told the ambulance that Dallas was at the skate park. They got their tools and the bed to put him on so they line up the leg and put him on the bed and took him to the hospital and then we went home and look after our little cousin.

We waited and waited until we get a phone call from our uncle. At nighttime 11 o'clock we got a call that Dallas was ok so we went to the hospital on Saturday we saw him sleeping and he was fine he had breakfast. So we went back home and had a rest and Dallas went home.